Clinic Online Website

Programming a clinic apointment website using Database, Python, Django.

Relative Fields: Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Django, Query

Project Overview

In the grand adventure of our ‘Advanced Programming’ course, my team and I embarked on a quest to bring a clinic website to life using Python and Django. Picture us, a bunch of coding enthusiasts, creating a digital haven for clinics to thrive.

We had this dream—making a platform that would smooth out the wrinkles in clinic management. Think of it: effortless appointment scheduling, seamless patient registration, and a treasure chest of medical records, all under one virtual roof.

With Django as our trusty steed, we crafted a sturdy, user-friendly web application. Our interface? A breeze to navigate! Patients can book their appointments in a snap and revisit their medical history with a few clicks. And for the clinic wizards—the administrators—oh boy, did we make their lives easier. Managing staff schedules, tracking patient records, whipping up reports; it’s all there, neat and tidy.

So, there we were, turning code into care, one line at a time. And in this digital realm we built, clinics could flourish, and health care became just a bit more human. 😊

Project Steps :

  • Defined Tables
  • defined Classes with the OOP methods
  • Work on the backend and Front end using Django

Results of The Project

Code Sources :

This program is done by python.

Here you can fine all codes and results :


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